Composition of the jury
Anders Bodegard − a translator of Polish and French literature. A Swedish lecturer at the Jagiellonian University 1981-1983. He has been translating Polish poetry (including Cz. Miłosz, W. Szymborska, A. Zagajewski) and prose (including Gombrowicz, Kapuściński, Huelle) for 30 years. He established literary translation workshops in Stockholm. Former juror of the Transatlantyk Award and the Ryszard Kapuściński Award.
Maria Delaperrière – a professor, researcher of the 19th and 20th century literature and culture, a comparative researcher, she was the head of the Department of Polish Studies at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, INALCO) for many years. She is the author of the following books: Les avant-gardes polonaises et la poésie européenne, Dialogue from a distance, Polish avant-guardes and the European poetry, La littérature polonaise à l’épreuve de la modernité, Polish literature in interactions. She has been an editor of over twenty publications devoted to Polish and Central European literature.
Luigi Marinelli − a slavist, polonist, critic, translator, since 1994 the head of the Department of Polish Studies at the La Sapienza University, a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, he received the Gloria Artis gold medal for his merits for the Polish culture. He is the author of over one hundred studies in various languages on Polish literature-related and comparative subjects and a translator of Polish literature – from medieval to contemporary (including Sęp Szarzyński, Krasicki, Wat, Kantor, Miłosz).
Abel Murcia Soriano − a Spanish poet, novelist, translator. He is the director of the Cervantes Institute in Krakow. He has translated Szymborska’s and Różewicz’s poetry into Spanish, among other things. He is also the author of several specialist Polish-Spanish and Spanish-Polish dictionaries. Honorary member of the Polish Writers’ Association. He writes a blog devoted to translation of Polish poems.
Joanna Orska – literary studies scholar and critic. Works at Wroclaw University’s Institute of Polish Philology, Section for the Study of Polish Literature after 1918; conducts literary criticism workshops: Literary and Art Criticism and Text Culture and Practice (creative writing and editing). Contemporary poetry is her main area of interest. Published books: Przełom awangardowy w dwudziestowiecznym modernizmie w Polsce (2004), Liryczne narracje. Nowe tendencje w poezji polskiej 1989-2006 (2006), and Republika poetów. Poetyckość i polityczność w krytycznej praktyce (2013); articles and essays in Teksty Drugie, Odra, Twórczość, Dekada Literacka, FA-art, and LITERA.
Adam Pomorski − a literary critic, essayist, poet, translator from Russian, German, English, Belarusian and Ukrainian (he has translated works by Bunin, Dostoyevsky, T.S. Eliot, Goethe, Rilke); president of the Polish PEN Club (since 2010). The winner of the Award of the Polish Translators’ Association, the Award of the Polish PEN Club, the Award of the Minister of Culture and others.
Renate Schmidgall − she completed Slavic and German studies at the Heidelberg University. In the years 1984-1996 she worked at Deutsches Polen-Institut (the German Institute of Polish Culture) in Darmstadt, and since 1996 she has focused on literary translations from the Polish language (Huelle, Stasiuk, Krall, Kuczok, Sommer, Szymborska, Zagajewski). She has received three awards for her translation of Polish prose and poetry: Jane-Scatcherd-Preis of the Ledig-Rowohlt Foundation (2001), Europäischer Übersetzerpreis of the city of Offenburg (2006) and the Karl Dedecius Award (2009).
Marian Stala − a critic and literature historian, a professor at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University, an expert on contemporary Polish poetry, the winner of the Kościelski Award and the Kazimierz Wyka Award. In the years 2006-2008 he was a juror of the Nike Literary Award. The author of the following books: Druga strona – notatki o literaturze współczesnej, Trzy nieskończoności: o poezji Adama Mickiewicza, Bolesława Leśmiana i Czesława Miłosza, Przeszukiwanie czasu. Przechadzki krytycznoliterackie.
Award Secretary
Paulina Małochleb, critic and historian of literature; her doctoral dissertation at the Jagiellonian University’s Polish Studies Faculty researched novels on the January Uprising. She contributes to such periodicals as Twórczość, FA-art, Nowe Książki, or Odra, and the website, and writes a literary criticism blog,
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